Extractos del catálogo

Your Needs, our Innovation Collection and transport system for microbiological samples Sistema de recogida y transporte de muestras microbiológicas
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Range of δswab system Gama del sistema δswab R Range of swabs for collecting and transporting microbiological samples in liquid medium as well as a new line of enrichment media. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Compatible with the new inoculation automation and sample streaking equipment. Compatible with molecular diagnostic techniques. Facilitates the collection, transport and subsequent treatment of microbiological samples. Greater reliability for sample recovery: high capacity for the absorption and elution of the sample from the flocked swab. Greater feasibility of the sample as it is...
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Swabs of 5swabffi range Escobillones de la gamma Sswab0 Standard breakpoint 80mm. Estándar punto rotura 80mm. Standard breakpoint 100mm. Estándar punto rotura 100mm. Urethral breakpoint 80mm. Uretral punto rotura 80mm. Nasoph. breakpoint 80mm. Nasof. punto rotura 80mm. Nasoph. breakpoint 100mm. Nasof. punto rotura 100mm. Minitip breakpoint lOOmm. Minitip punto rotura lOOmm. Flocked swabs without transport media Escobillones flocados sin medio de transporte
Abrir la página 3 del catálogo
TRANSPORT MEDIA MEDIOS DE TRANSPORTE Swab • Escobillón MDD 0318 culture © sys*em* (g) a*say @ AMIES Tube with media • Tubo con medio I ivdI Particularly suited for microbiological sample collection and transport. It maintains the viability of Aerobes, Facultative Anaerobes and Anaerobes Bacteria for a minimum of 48 hours both at room temperature (20-25°C) and at refrigeration temperature (4-8°C) and 24 hours with Fastidious Bacteria. Designed both for traditional and automated sample streaking. Compatible with the molecular diagnostic techniques and for direct extension on glass slides....
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TRANSPORT MEDIA MEDIOS DE TRANSPORTE Swab • Escobillón MDD 0318 ViCUM Tube with media • Tubo con medio I ivdI Particularly suited for collecting and transporting microbiological samples which contain Virus, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma and/or Mycoplasma. Includes antibiotics which inhibit the growth of Bacteria and Fungi; this ensures reliability in terms of sample recovery. Maintains the infectability of viruses for a minimum of 96 hours both at room temperature (20-25°C) and at refrigeration temperature (4-8°C). Each tube contains glass beads to facilitate cell lysis, sample homogeneousness and...
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ENRICHMENT MEDIA MEDIOS DE ENRIQUECIMIENTO SELENITE SELENITO Inhibits the proliferation of bacterial microbiote. It is particularly suited for isolating Salmonella from faecal samples, food and/or water. It is used as an enrichment media for clinical and industry samples. Easy and practical. Inhibe la proliferación de la microbiota intestinal. Está especialmente indicado para el aislamiento de Salmonella a partir de muestras fecales, alimentos y/o agua. Se utiliza como medio de enriquecimiento para muestras clínicas y de uso industrial. Fácil y práctico de usar. Cases per pallet ■ Cajas por...
Abrir la página 6 del catálogo
© Open flow-pack or peel pack using both hands. Abrir el flow-pack o peel-pack con las dos manos. © Collect the sample with the swab. Open the tube with the other hand and place the swab inside so that it is covered with the medium. Tomar la muestra con el escobillón. Abrir el tubo con la otra mano e introducir el escobillón hasta el fondo para que quede cubierto con el medio. © Align the breakpoint of the swab with the top of the tube lightly pressing the swab downwards. Alinear el punto de rotura al mismo nivel que el tubo presionando ligeramente hacia abajo el escobillón. © Snap off the...
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Microbiology Molecular Biology Haematology Histology Sample handling Safety General Labware Your Needs, our Innovations Plaza de la Verneda, 1 Polígono Industrial La Llana 08191 Rubí, Barcelona, SPAIN Experience Quality www.deltalab.es Plaza de la Verneda, 1 Polígono Industrial La Llana 08191 Rubí, Barcelona, SPAIN info@deltalab.es www.deltalab.es
Abrir la página 8 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Deltalab
318 Páginas
Deltalab, ISO 9001
3 Páginas
Deltalab, ISO 13485
1 Páginas
Deltalab, ISO 14001
3 Páginas
320 Páginas