Simulador para Entrenamiento Obstétrico set completo


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Simulador para Entrenamiento Obstétrico set completo - 1

Obstetrics/ Neonatal / Pediatric Obstetric Training Simulator -complete setComprehensive maternal body set for skills training in vaginal examinations during labor and delivery 1 | The external genitalia is made of innovative material that excels in elasticity durability resilience for effective and repetitive training. KEY FEATURES The external genitalia is made of innovative material that excels in elasticity durability resilience for effective and repetitive training. | Cervical examination | Delivery assistance | Perineorrhaphy (perineal repair) velamen (amniotic sac) vaginal canal ischial spine pubic symphysis coccyx anterior fontanelle pubic symphysis ischial spine pelvis ischial spine Kyoto Kagaku Product Lineup Web

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Simulador para Entrenamiento Obstétrico set completo - 2

Obstetrics/ Neonatal / Pediatric K EY FEATURES Cervical examination 5 types of cervical dilation models and fetal descent positions can be interchanged with a single action. | Cervical scoring in the first stage of labor -Determination of station using landmarks of the ischial spine and the pubic joint to assess the descent of the body -Assessment of cervical dilation | Speculum examination | Observation and cervical cytology | Urinary catheterization Delivery assistance Smooth and realistic delivery | Delivery assistance for different delivery positions (dorsal, all-fours) | Perineal...

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