IBP adapter cables and transducers


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IBP adapter cables and transducers - 1

mtiG&mm&mmmmm. ^íph^^wíííi, mmm. hümmm, t&priaticSA®# IBP transducer accessories come with bracket and fixing plates. The brackets and fixing plates come in single channel, dual channel, and three channel specifications, and can also be used to form more channel fixing plates according to customer requirements. Usage scenario of bracket fixing Patient Monitoring System Accessories M=DACC=SSOR¡=S IBP transducer series product ii££JSü Temperature probe stom, ?4s, as, an?, TEfiia, ge.ysi,#, Our company can provide reusable and disposable temperature probes, adapter cables. Compatible with major patient monitor brands, such as Nihon kohden,Coman, Mindray, Siemens, Philips, GE,YSI,etc. \m=dacc=ssori=s) Med Accessories Technology DongGuan Co.,Ltd. Add:No.210,211,212,213,214,Building 1,No.12 Industry Western Road, SongShanHu,Dongguan,Guangdong,China.523808 Tel/Fax:+86-769-23078845. Mobile/WeChat:0086-13544234532 E-mail:info@med-accessories.com Email:Sales1@med-accessories.com Mrs.Wen Email:sender1@med-accessories.com Miss Liu Email:sender2@med-accessories.com Miss Huang

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IBP adapter cables and transducers - 2

MEDACC ESSOR l=S) V HfltSftíB: pr*S2ns^#ss)»Ki±m, Disposable IBP Transducer series MEDACCESSORIES Specification introduction Our IBP adapter cable has 9 kinds of connectors, can be compatible with a variety of brands of Monitors, can be customised according to customer requirements of various lengths of the adapter cable. IftlIlnnlS Compatible major brands Datascope Datex Ninon Kohden Philips GE EfcféMSi&ÉgíiSíi9¡Mi&Sl;Rj¡£ We have 9 kinds of connectorfor IBP Cables Siemens Comen ^ Mindray6p to Abbott ttBK&S *ABÍl tttÜEffL mms. IfESfi IfÉJEÍJféB numera immmm 9Bmawe jmmuues* 3WWt KPÉSíi...

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Todos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Med Accessories

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  2. IBP adapter cable

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