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memo CHILOREN'S FEET PROTECTION Memo is the highest quality children footwear in classic style, made of natural materials suitable for children's feet. The unique diagnostic function is provided by the monitoring system placed in Memo sole. Elaborated for many years construction and montage technology were recognized by specialists as an effective method of preventing and treatment of the most common postural defects. Memo ist ein hochwertiges Schuhwerk für Kinder, hergestellt im klassischen Stil aus natürlichen, kinderfreundlichen Materialien. Eine einzigartige Diagnosefunktion wird durch...
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5 MEMO SYSTEM | DAS MEMO SYSTEM | SISTEMA MEMO It maximizes foot comfort. The highest quality materials are used for Memo footwear production. Outside and inside of the shoe is made of natural soft goatskin, perfect for child feet. Natural hygroscopic materials make the shoe breathe and foot not sweat Es bietet einen optimalen Komfort für die Füße. Für die Herstellung der Memo Schuhe werden die hochwertigsten Materialien verwendet. Die Außen- und die Innenfläche des Schuhs besteht aus natürlichem, weichem Ziegenleder, ideal für die Füße eines Kindes. Dank natürlicher Materialien mit...
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6 MEMO IDEA | DIE MEMO IDEE | CONCEPTO MEMO Memo’s diagnostics area is its outsole and heel. They are divided into six numbered zones with cambered stripes. After wearing Memo shoes it is possible to access the degree of stripes abrasion. Depending on which zone is worn, insoles can be selected to correct the problem. This abrasion can also be very valuable information for your Doctor, Consultant or Physiotherapist. After a correct insole is selected it is advised that the child should wear the Memo shoes as often as possible. The period of use for Memo depends on the child’s age and the...
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7 MEMO IDEA | DIE MEMO IDEE | CONCEPTO MEMO ZONE 2 | ZONE 2 | ZONA 2 Abrasion in zone 2 indicates to use grey insoles, and wear Memo shoes continuously. When wearing grey insoles abrasion continues in zone 2 then use an orange insole. If the abrasion area continues to be incorrect please consult your doctor. Risikobereich – Abrieb in dieser Zone ist ein Zeichen für einen Defekt oder eine Krankheit und stellt die Notwendigkeit für den Gebrauch der grauen Einlagen dar. Wenn während der Verwendung der Schuhe und der grauen Schuheinlagen der Abrieb wieder normal wird, sollten die orangen...
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Schutz und Stabilisation der Füße Thermoplastisch, asymmetrisch, starre Fersenkappe Möglichkeit, die Riemenlänge an die verschiedenen Fußbreiten anzupassen Zwei-Schicht-Einlegesohlen minimieren die Auswirkungen von externen Faktoren Protección del pie y garantía de ajuste correcto Talón termoconformable, alargado y rígido Abrochado regulable Posibilidad de ajustar la longitud de las correas, adaptando los zapatos a los distintos anchos de pies Plantilla de doble capa fabricada con materiales naturales y recubierta de material acolchado, reduciendo al mínimo el impacto de factores externos...
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9 CONSTRUCTION OF MEMO SHOE | DER BAU DES MEMO SCHUHS | FABRICACIÓN DEL ZAPATO MEMO Proper feet protection and stabilization Fastening adjustment Ability to adjust the strap length to the different feet width. Thermoplastic, asymmetric, stiff heel counter. Made of natural leather with foam padded upper elements of sensitive areas for better comfort. Anti-shock construction Two layer system to absorb external impacts. Bending in the proper place and proper axis. Defects correction Ability to apply appropriate insoles from the Memo system range to correct feet defects. Dynamic feet control...
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Memo shoes received a positive Children’s Memorial Health Institute opinion no 78/DBC/2008. Memo footwear models were evaluated by doctor of medicine Anna Łukaszewska – pediatrist, medical rehabilitation specialist – Head of Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinic in The Children’s Memorial Health Institute. Die Memo-Schuhmarke hat eine positive Stellungnahme des Zentrums für die Kindergesundheit Nr. 78 / DBC / 2008 erhalten. Untersucht wurden die Memo-Schuhmodelle, die durch Ärztin Frau Anna Lukaszewska bewertet wurden - Kinderarzt, Spezialist für die medizinische Rehabilitation - Leitung der...
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PREMIOS Y CERTIFICADOS El calzado de marca Memo recibió una opinión positiva del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño en Varsovia n° 78/DBC/2008. El estudio examinó los modelos de calzado Memo que fueron evaluados por el médico Anna tukaszewska - pediatra, especialista en rehabilitación médica - Jefe del Departamento de Rehabilitación Pediátrica del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño en Varsovia. La opinión publicada confirma que el calzado Memo con el sistema de diagnóstico Memo es beneficioso para el desarrollo de la postura y de los pies de los niños sanos y corrige los trastornos y...
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1. Have your child stand on a blank sheet of paper or memo gauge. Make sure his/her weight is put on both feet. 2. Outline the child's feet with a pencil or washable marker holding it upright and perpendicular to the surface/paper. 3. Measure the length of the outline or check the foot size on the Memo gauge. 4. Choose the proper size. Always allow for about 1 cm between the toe and the end of the shoe. 5. Check the sizes chart enclosed below. For example: the outline lenght is 12,5 cm. It means that the proper size for your child is size no 20 (13,3 cm). DIE AUSWAHL DER SCHUHGROSSE Um die...
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Abrir la página 11 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Memo Shoes
Memo brochure 2021
78 Páginas
Memo Brochure 2020
123 Páginas